Saturday 9 March 2013

Travelling with an Open Mind

In response to feedback from many friends, I have started to post some thoughts, opinions (of my own and of others) and visual images about travel. Whether we travel to the next town or to the other side of the world, there has always been, for me, a sense of anticipation, not always knowing quite what to expect. Sometimes our pre-conceived ideas about life in another part of the planet, or even on another planet, are confirmed when we spend time in another location. More often, in my own experience, there are things which surprise us, frighten us, delight us and confound the pre-conceived ideas. The journey, and being in transit, is often more exciting and thrilling, than the arrival. Often the unremarkable seems more interesting than the remarkable. Life is a long journey we are all engaged in. Trips to Japan, France, the USA, Iceland, Australia, wherever are what a Michelin guide would probably classify as 'Worth a Detour'. Our own experience of such a detour will confirm if it worth the experience or not.

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